Christ's Humility

This excerpt from "A Journey Toward Perfection" describes the magnitude of the gift we received on Christmas day:

Contemplate this: Christ, our all-powerful, incorruptible and Holy God who created us, willingly left His place of glory, His throne, where He was worshipped by all the angels, and He chose to become an ordinary human like us, one of His creatures. This is humility in perfection. Our God chose to become an ordinary man. As a matter of fact, our God did not only come to live among us, He came to serve us. He knowingly chose to take on corruptible flesh which can die, and astoundingly, He chose to allow Himself to be despised, rejected, persecuted, beaten, disgraced, and crucified with criminals. And why did Christ our God, choose to allow Himself to suffer these indignities? Because He loves us that much!

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